The Magic of Why®

The Magic of Why® process session came from a very serious automobile accident when I was hit by a truck in a Mazda Miata when my car hit a lamppost and was turned 180 degrees into the base of a restaurant. 

Of course I am of the belief that there are no accidents and this accident only validates that thought for me. It just so happened that an ER doctor having resigned from his post at a very busy hospital was traveling to his first day of his new job at the veterans administration hospital. He saw me get hit and he turned around to help. He told me later that he was shocked that his first day leaving the emergency room he would have to do an emergency tracheotomy in the road to get me breathing. He said “suddenly you just took a gasp of air”. He had already called the emergency services and when the firemen cut me out of the car I had a massive seizure and went into a coma.

At the hospital my mother was told that due to the damage they saw in my MRI if I came out of the coma I would not be able to walk or talk again. That was on a Monday and 3 days later, I was awake. By that Friday they released me to the care of my sister who came from San Francisco to help me and my 8 year old son.

I was released from the hospital to the care of my sister because I had lost all my short-term memory. It did not matter how determined the hospital was to strap me in a bed and contain me from moving, I did not remember I was not supposed to get up. I continually unstrapped myself and took out the medication drip. I couldn't walk so I would crawl to the restroom. One of the very clarifying memories I have from the hospital is of a nurse who came into my room. It reminded me of the Alice in Wonderland incident when the rabbit kept getting smaller and smaller. This nurse, it seemed, kept getting larger and larger and larger! She seemed 10 feet tall looming over me telling me that I could not get out of bed on my own. I had to call the nurse to help me. Unfortunately that is one of the only memories I have from being in the hospital. 

My accident happened on March 11th. My sister stayed with me for a week or 10 days and she was wonderful organizing my son’s carpool and making sure he got to school and someone was here with me.  As I got a little bit more cognisant I could remember things that had happened some time ago but could not remember things that just happened. She had to go back to her home, her husband and her work in San Francisco. 

I was in reasonable shape however every day I got up and wondered how I had felt so good the day before when I felt so much better on this day. I went back to work on the April 1st. My son told me how to get to his school and then I ventured out for my office. The problem was I could not remember how to get to my office and once I got into traffic, I could not even think about the office because I was so concerned about the traffic. It was reliving the movie Groundhog Day every day. 

My friend Debbie Clark asked me why I came back. I had a lame answer which she did not accept and suggested I work with a man to do a regression. I didn't know what that meant however I called him and scheduled a session. I had an epiphany and realized I was given the choice to come back or to stay in the most amazing glorious place my soul still longs for. 

Remembering this offering of choice and the instant I chose to come back in my own body my own physical energy was transposed into a sarcophagus as gaches energy. An electric current started at what would be the 3rd eye and connected with another current which connected with another current and almost instantaneously my body was back in physical form.

Very shortly after my session, I began getting early morning 3AM calls to get up.  Just get up somehow. When you feel your higher power. your God, your energy is calling you  - you get up.

I began writing, drawing, and manifesting The Magic of Why®. I began using the process immediately to protect myself and I began reconnecting the dots and the synapses in my brain.

My son had directed me to his school again and again and again.  I would get on the highway and when I became challenged with the traffic, I simply pulled my car over, circled up (which is a major piece of the process) and got my mind still enough and out of fear long enough to connect the dots and the synapses in my brain which allowed me to get to my office or wherever I was going. 

I became obsessed with developing some music and my sister Heidi introduced me to a composer named Jonathan Sax. I went to LA for a week and lived in Jonathan's studio home and was able to orchestrate his original music and created a CD called “The Magic of Why®… with Love, Trust, Care, Share, Allow, Back to Love.”

I played this music in the background at my home night and day for the next 5 years. It was essential for my healing. I created a second CD doing voice over the original music with information from the book and some months later created a DVD because I was obsessed with the grandeur of the place where I had been. There was no physical restriction, no time, no gravity and everything was possible… going into other galaxies through wormholes… seeing the vibrant color that is possible. I do not have the language to explain the grandeur of the place where I had been.

So whenever The Magic of Why® process is done, I always let everyone know, whether it's an individual or a group, that there are guidelines. 

The guidelines state that you can do nothing wrong while learning this process, that everything is confidential and this is your space not to be interrupted by anyone else.

This is your journey into yourself, by yourself, for yourself.